Upper West PM&E Network to organise anti-corruption training for DCMC members
- On April 24, 2015
Over the last decade, Ghana has developed and implemented several anti-corruption initiatives, passed a number of anti-corruption laws and ratified international conventions. Ghana has also established accountability institutions and a National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP) has been developed recently. Despite these efforts, corruption has persisted and there has been little progress in reducing it.
It against this background that SEND-GHANA in partnership with Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) and Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC) is currently implementing the Strengthening Accountable Democratic Institutions and Systems through Citizen Engagement (SADISC) project to renew and build upon efforts to increase the abilities of anti-corruption Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in order for them to motivate the public to apply pressure to policy makers and institutions with the view of reducing corruption in Ghana.
Through a number of targeted, focused initiatives, the Consortium will invigorate citizens to engage more actively in anti-corruption reporting and advocacy.
In the Upper West Region the project is being implemented in 5 districts (Wa Municipal, Nadowli, Jirapa, Lawra and Sissala East and as part of the project implementation, the Upper West Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Network (PM&E) is organising a day’s meeting to strengthen and align five (5) existing citizen groups (Anti-Corruption Champions).
In all fifty five (55) District Citizens Monitoring Committee (DCMC) members will be involved in the training.
The meeting will take place at Wa Municipal Hall on Monday, 27th April, 2015 at 9:00am.