Transforming basic education through improved budget transparency and efficient management of resources (IBIS Education Project)
- Posted by webadmin
- On December 24, 2014
Transforming basic education through improved budget transparency and efficient management of resources is a project being funded by IBIS.
The overall objective of this project is to contribute to quality education outcomes by demanding transparency in the use of the Global Partnership Education Grant (GPEG) at the basic education level.
It is a 3 year (2014-2016) project.
It is being implemented in 15 deprived districts in the upper east, upper west and northern regions (4, 4, 7).
Sensitisation on GPEG is expected to be carried out in the districts in collaboration with the Ghana Education Service. An annual budget analysis on the education sector budgets and a survey on the GPEG will also be conducted. The findings of the budgets analysis and the survey will be used to engage state actors using the media and policy dialogues.
In order for SEND staff and partners to understand and implement the project effectively, capacity building activities on budget tracking and advocacy will be organised for them.