Stakeholders call for sustainability of gender practice in Ghana
- On July 27, 2016
A resolution aimed at encouraging the adoption of Gender Model Family (GMF) programme to provide decision making opportunities and reduce work load on girls and wives has been unanimously approved by stakeholders at a summit in Salaga.
The resolution outlines the affirmation of the 18 best families selected out of the existing 574 in the districts of East Gonja, Nanumba North and Kpandai, representatives of East Gonja, Chereponi Districts to take steps in making the programme sustainable.
The GMF, a gender equality initiative from SEND GHANA advocates for a sustainable gender equitable food security for targeted households who are determined to participate and contribute in the realization of equality between women and men on one hand and boys and girls on the other hand in their communities.
Read full resolution here:
Recognizing the family as the basic structure in our communities where husbands and wives allocate and access resources for their productive and reproductive activities and where boys and girls are provided opportunities and skills for life, the Food Security through Cooperatives in Northern Ghana (FOSTERING) Project, which is funded by Global Affairs Canada and Canadian Cooperative Association and being implemented by SEND GHANA and Credit Union Association of Ghana, is establishing and supporting Gender Model Families to promote equality between men and women, boys and girls in the operational districts of the project (East Gonja, Nanumba North, Nanumba South, Kpandai, Krachi Nchumuru, Zabzugu, Tatale-Sangule and Chereponi).
Knowing the importance of experience sharing in strengthening Gender Model Families, we, the eighteen best GMF, were selected out of the existing 574 Gender Model Families in the districts of East Gonja, Nanumba North and Kpandai to participate in the First Gender Model Family Annual Assembly held in Salaga, East Gonja District from April 7th-8th, 2016.
We are conscious of our responsibility to practice the acquired knowledge of SEND GHANA’s Gender Model Family programme and have resolved to influence our communities to adopt same to promote gender equity by challenging traditional notions of gender roles and responsibilities.
We are committed to FOSTERING sustainable gender equitable food security for targeted households, and are determined to participate and contribute in the realization of equality between women and men, boys and girls in our communities.
We are realizing that the adoption of GMF is helping us to improve family planning, reduce work load on girls and wives, increase wives access and control over family resources, improved nutrition, husbands and wives equally partake in decision making and give boys and girls similar opportunities in education.
We, the FOSTERING stakeholders having participated in this summit, do hereby commit to the following:
District Assemblies will create opportunities for Gender Model Families to share their experiences at assembly meetings, and incorporate GMF principles in the development and implementation of programs.
Traditional leaders agreed to provide platforms for Gender Model Families members to share their experiences with the public.
The Media agreed to use their platforms to support sensitization on the principles and benefits of the Gender Model Family.
The Regional Department of Gender committed to target girls of the Gender Model Families under their girl child initiatives.